Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Today we had a two hour lecture by renowned artist, Alfio Bonano. We were so lucky to have him come speak to us about his art, life, and ways he views the world because we visited one of his installations with him this afternoon! It was an awesome experience to be able to see an artist's work and hear him explain it in his own words. It was a little odd because of his attitude- but I will explain more later. First, pictures: 

The Arc

The Arc

View from The Arc

Insect Forest

Alfio in Insect Forest

Insect Forest- example of charred wood structures 

I would call it an utilitarian, aesthetic exhibit. Bonano used wood for the structural material and rocks for internal details/sitting structures/campfire pits, etc. The park itself is open to the public to enjoy, but that was the part that Bonano had trouble reconciling. There was some graffiti on his structures and wear and tear from weather throughout the years- this made him very angry. He had trouble understanding why people would leave permanent marks on his work. This endless commentary was a bit distracting and negative from the overall experience, but the installations themselves were truly beautiful. I especially liked the arc because of its historical roots- the area in Denmark where the installation is located was once under water. Also- the rocks used were glacial remains from the last ice age. Truly unique! 

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